Comments for THATCamp DC 2014 at GWU on April 26 Sat, 26 Apr 2014 19:38:46 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Notes by Annie Dempsey Sat, 26 Apr 2014 19:38:46 +0000 Room 210, Session 4: Creating Crowd Sourcing Transcription for oral and video history

– Smithsonian transcriptions
– Crowdsourcing: cost efficient
– Question: how do you translate this to oral and video history?
– Video history: a lot of it is restricted, but some examples of video content:
– Manhattan Project
– Small arms history (including history of AK-47)

– Take reel-to-reel material on digital recorders
– Audio cassettes
– Sent to contractor to be transcribed

– Funds: sketchy

Challenges of oral transcriptions:
– Ensuring accuracy: accents, misheard words
– Tedious: pause, rewind, play, pause, rewind, play, repeat…

How do we accommodate for these problems?

– becomes more manageable if you break it up into segments: 30 seconds every 10 minutes
^ improves accuracy
– in a crowdsource context, divide it up by time stamps and assign people minute blocks
– recognizable people and recordings: entices people to participate
– have a notes portion: people can make notes of time stamps and confusion about language understanding
– But if there are unknown figures, contextualize them: e.g. why was this person important to xyz movement? How did this person influence xyz public figure?
– time stamps: makes it really clear where a project stopped
– tools to slow down speech

Potential tools:
– iTunes, Express Scribe, YouTube, iMovie (Mac; can alter pitch, speed, tone)

Data visualization:
– If you get demographics of digital volunteers, you can map where they are and what content they tend to be interested in
^ future donors and fundraisers can come from this

Why do you transcribe oral histories?
– Accessibility
– data mining: make it accessible to new research techniques
– social network analysis: transcribe and make conclusions about relationships
– preservation: if it’s recorded on a cassette or something that might be hard to digitize, you have the words forever
^ also an argument for keeping cassettes and similar media; notion that this is valuable oral content

Is there a way to build an online tool where once an oral history exists online, it can automatically enter a data mining program?
– there should be a way once an oral history is approved, you can send it directly through a code which submits it in a data context
– could be multistep, but you could build a single online forum for it

Failure is success: you rule out dead ends and apply it to your next effort

Comment on Notes by Alex DeLarge Sat, 26 Apr 2014 19:35:25 +0000 DH SHOW & TELL
What are some useful tools for academic research?
MediaFire (tutorials)
PDF Expert

Comment on Notes by Alex DeLarge Sat, 26 Apr 2014 18:40:27 +0000 DH in the classroom (digital pedagogy)

Group Bibliographies
– annotated bibliographies
– shared bibliographies (e.g., through Zotero)

– permanency
– skill-neutral

Comment on Notes by Annie Dempsey Sat, 26 Apr 2014 16:07:29 +0000 207 Session 1: Sunlight Foundation: Data Visualization
Amy Ngai, Amy Cesal, Ben Chartoff

– “Make gov transparent and accountable through data, tools, policy and journalism”
– free, open-source; staff of designers social scientists, reporters, policy, developers, comms projects to assist with!

What not to do:
– Data can be pretty, but does it SHOW anything
– No key, no introductory texts, no clear message of the data
– “Number art” pretty, but doesn’t tell you information
– No scales, labels, titles

“Data pervs”
– Notion that something is pretty, so it must “mean” something
– But this can mean that just because something is aesthetically appealing, people might not look deeply into it/question it
– “WTF Visualizations: Visualizations that make no sense” Tumblr page

“Squint test”
– Graphics that tell the story on the first glance
e.g. informative headlines, notable images like red lines indicating increase/decrease
– Use context: what are themes that people commonly understand? E.g. take numerical data and put it in the context of how it would fill a football field
^ most people have an estimate of the size of a football field; makes abstract data more accessible

Disseminating data
– Reporters can take screenshots of data graphics
– Reporting for reporters; making it more bite-sized for reporters to quickly understand information
– Social media shares


– Show geospatial trends e.g. where are political fundraisers happening?

The R Project
– Data visualization coding tool online

– Basic coding


Sunlight Foundation Data Visualization Style Guide

Be open to and flexible with whatever tools are available! If it gets the job done, use it

Comment on Session / Dork Short Proposals by David McKenzie Sat, 26 Apr 2014 04:41:05 +0000 Would love to know more, so very interested in this one!

Comment on Session / Dork Short Proposals by Laszlo Fri, 25 Apr 2014 21:08:08 +0000 Session proposal: “A digital show and tell: conversations sparked by the research tools we use everyday”

My idea for a session (the title needs work) is to have a group discussion about the sources we use for research on a regular basis. To keep things focused, each participant will introduce a source he or she uses regularly and then describe some of its advantages and disadvantages. The rest of us would then add our own thoughts. After a set time passes (based on how many people are participating and the length of the session), the next person would step up to share another source. We’ll go in a circle like this until the last fifteen minutes, when we’d jot down a few general conclusions and save them along with our notes in session entry in the THATCampDC site.

As an example, I’ve been using The Perseus Project for years to study Ancient Greek texts. For my turn, I’d introduce the site and talk about how I use it for translations and downloading texts. Then, I’d discuss what I think is positive and negative about it for my research and bring up issues that I think relate to everyone in the group. Several people sharing similar reflections about their favorite sources would, I believe, spark a great discussion.

I’d also like to encourage participation by campers who work for institutions that publish source material for the public. That would bring into the conversation the perspective of those behind the sources that we’ll be disscussing. Of course by the end of the session, I’d love to see both sets of campers, both those who are researchers and those who work with sources, connect with each other.


Comment on The Social Media University – Learning With the World by Diane Cline Fri, 25 Apr 2014 02:33:16 +0000 If you want to give this as a 3-minute Dork Short that is fine, but there are a couple ways you could go to make this into a great full-length session. I suggest you broaden it to include more voices in the dialogue. One is to call your session “Social Media in the Classroom’ – or just ‘Social Media and Pedagogy’. A lot of folks have experimented with Twitter in class so it will be fun to hear what people have tried and it will be helpful for your project to hear what they want to use it for. The other is to try to get other entrepreneurs or inventors to also share their ideas, and call it “Fishbowl for Entrepreneurs — Feedback Session.” Think it over and we will see you Saturday!

Comment on Session / Dork Short Proposals by Kwasi Agyemang Thu, 24 Apr 2014 16:54:04 +0000 “The Social Media University – Learning with the World”

This short discussion is based on an idea of an educational platform that allows people to study ( watch videos and read articles, books, take tests etc) based on social media hashtags.

By grouping people based on selected interests they can “enroll” and follow a social media syllabus that integrates their top three interests ( academia, art, science, sports etc) I have been experimenting with the concept so far on social media applications such as instagram and I would love to share the idea to get some feedback.

– Kwasi

Comment on Session / Dork Short Proposals by Meghan Ferriter Wed, 23 Apr 2014 20:21:36 +0000 Session Proposal:
“You have built it, They have Come: NOW WHAT (a.k.a. what are they doing??)”
You’ve created a project – perhaps a large-scale digital humanities tool, perhaps a forum for discussion, perhaps a bit of open source code – and you’ve been a success. Congratulations! It’s working… with unexpected consequences, so now what?
This session is an opportunity to discuss:
a) what happens when your participants/peers do what you expect: leaving you with more questions than answers about what to do with the result
b) what happens when your participants/peers do something a little different: you can see new uses and applications, but don’t want to pivot from your project goals completely
c) what happens when your participants/peers do something entirely surprising… and you want to grab hold of the bumper for the ride?

We might elaborate on these scenarios to explore questions, including:
How might we balance research goals with interesting research and exchange knowledge in a collaborative space? How can we open spaces for more but unexpected collaboration and what tools might help facilitate the process? What parts of the experience make the sum greater than the whole – and more importantly, what can sharing those parts of your success do to help wider communities of practice?
Let’s explore these questions–and more we discover along the way–together in this session.

Comment on Session / Dork Short Proposals by Meghan Ferriter Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:58:47 +0000 +1 would love to share or support & will either way attend, Diane!
