Welcome! After browsing around you may register here at dc2014.thatcamp.org. You may need to register first with thatcamp.org. You can then propose a session by adding a post, or coming with an idea to share on April 26. Keep checking back to see what’s new. The schedule is subject to change. We look forward to unconferencing with you!
Diane Cline
THATCamp lead coordinator
drcline at gwu dot edu
About Diane Cline
I'm an ancient Greek historian and classicist and I teach a course in Digital History at GWU. My most recent research projects use Social Network Analysis to examine the relationships of Alexander the Great, Philip II, Socrates and Pericles. I am interested in understanding what made the Greeks so innovative and creative, and I believe their social networks is part of the answer. Classes taught in 2013-17: History of Greece, Alexander the Great, Classical Athens, Classical Mythology, and HIST 3001 Digital History. Author of National Geographic's The Greeks: An Illustrated History (2016).